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Excitement Builds As Dogecoin’s First Birthday Nears

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One year ago tomorrow, Dogecoin entered the cryptocurrency world. This curious new coin, which was based on the popular Shiba Inu from the Doge meme, was very well received by cryptocurrency enthusiasts. A mining pool was created within hours of launch, and people began to mine Dogecoin. Some did it for the fun of it; they were just looking to get a piece of the action of this fun new coin based off of a meme. Others believed in Dogecoin’s future, some even saying that Dogecoin would replace Bitcoin.

Little did these first few supporters of Dogecoin know that they were beginning a journey of kindness, happiness, and optimism in a cryptocurrency world that could be scary at times. Soon after its inception, Dogecoiners began to create charity initiatives to help people around the world… CONTINUE


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