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Quarkbar: PULSE Block Creation Works!

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QuarkBar is a super secure quark-based altcoin (CPU mining) that is fast, very rare and with no premine. In September the team introduced a feature which is a real innovation in the altcoin panorama: PULSE,  a revolutionary way of block creation that adjusts the speed of new blocks to the amount of transactions. With this innovation QuarkBar aim to be #1 quarkbased coin by 2015.

Quarkbar PULSE Block Creation Works




What is Pulse?

Pulse is a revolutionary way of block creation that adjusts the speed of new blocks to the amount of transactions. When there are no transactions or less than 10QB a block is created every 300 seconds. When more than 10QB is sent, a special TX block is created within 30 seconds. This makes it possible to use most newly created blocks to keep the chain synched and sent transactions superfast!

How does the difficulty work?

Pulse generally spoken adds another layer of difficulty adjustment besides the well known difficulty-index of the merkle-root.

How much network power does it need?

Pulse ultimately needs 10kh at it’s lowest point (where we are now). We will soon launch a difficulty patch that will give it an upthrust and fix the difficulty at about 10.x or 11.x (something close to what it used to be).

What about the difficulty adjustment?

If the network regresses and less power is at disposal, the difficulty will be automatically lowered again. The difficulty will lower faster than it will rise. That’s why there’s more pressure downwards. This is to avoid having hard blocks and small miners that can’t take it.

What about the Rejects?

These are a natural part of mining Quarkbar. The projection is that it will be 25% of what is being actively used, so 75% rejects due to Pulse. This means that the difficulty is lower than it should to fix the spacing.

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