web services
AllCoin.com is a startup company launched in January 2014, which focuses on trading virtual currencies using Bitecoins and Litecoins. They aim to offer a professional, …
Gravacoin is a tool that allow people to centralize all their crypto-currencies addresses and build a donation page. Basically, this tool is a database that allows you …
Twitter Jail is a slang phrase used to describe Twitters limits on tweets, direct messages and followers per day. Twitter uses this method to reduce …
Perhaps the most straightforward example of a post-Bitcoin service using Satoshi’s blockchain is Proof of Existence. Created by Manuel Araoz, a 25-year-old developer in Argentina, the …
VisitBit is a Bitcoin PTC (Paid-to-Click) advertising website which allows you to get paid in bitcoin, simply for visiting websites. You are paid instantly …
A DogeBucket is basically an online social wallet that can be used to get Dogecoin for just about anything. Create a bucket for your …
Cryptogrind: a marketplace for jobs in exchange for crypto currency.
MinersBit: high-growth real cloud mining company. They use our unparalleled global network of high cloud Bitcoin mining. Extensive experience in the of the business of mining …
If you want your crowdfunding campaign to accept Bitcoin, Crowdtilt has you covered. The crowdfunding company today launched CrowdtiltOpen, an open source crowdfunding solution that enables …
The easiest way to support creators. Flattr is a relatively new social bookmarking and microdonation platform. After Paypal, BAC, and Visa and Mastercard bent …