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VisitBit: free bitcoin for visiting websites

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VisitBit is a Bitcoin PTC (Paid-to-Click) advertising website which allows you to get paid in bitcoin, simply for visiting websites. You are paid instantly and automatically to MicroWallet. In order to get paid, you must visit the website for the duration of the countdown, then click the “Pay Me” button. Then, you’ll be asked to fill in a captcha. Once you’ve done this, you’re paid instantly and the next available advert will load automatically.

For Advertisers Every visit on VisitBit is unique. They block users visiting through proxies and through the Tor anonymous network, so you can be confident you’re getting accurate results. Users view campaign adverts in random order. Every advert on visitBit is treated with equal importance, regardless of the size of the campaign. You can check your campaign statistics on the stats page, where you can see how many visits you have remaining on your campaign, and a map of where your visits have come from… CONTINUE


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