All the things you wanted to know about Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies

The Dodgecoin Foundation

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The Dogecoin Foundation is a non-profit organization created by the founders of Dogecoin for the purpose of spreading the use of the currency through goodwill and charitable endeavors. We also provide incentives for developers to work on projects that will enhance the experience of using the coin as chosen and voted on by you.

So whether there is a project that you would like to see happen or you just want to spread the love using the magic of doge, please consider making a dogenation today… CONTINUE



  • William B. says:

    Surprised no one has mentioned Zetacoin, 2nd most traded coin on the markets today! Big news coming later this week about a major retailer accepting. Good time to invest.

  • William B. says:

    Guys, I posted the other day about Zetacoin! Check the latest Zetacoin Twitter post, one of the lead developers is on his way to Mombasa (AS WE SPEAK). In talks about making it a major mobile payment solution around Africa. The framework has already been developed. This coin will BLOW UP soon! Cheapest on the Cryptsy exchange right now at $0.4 per Zetacoin (I think). I just moved 2BTC over, getting ready before the buzz! This is just the start. Do a post about Zetacoin!


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