All the things you wanted to know about Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies

Home 2014 June

June, 2014

Bitcoin Cloud Mining: PB Mining

If you want to invest in bitcoin mining without the hassle of managing your own hardware, there is an alternative. You can use the …

MKG: Social Marketing & Virtual Currency

Mkreativegroup is based on business ideas dealing with stocks and optional currencies. Mkreativegroup is not a professional in any field and don’t claim to be, it is …

CryptographicCoin introduces a brand new technology: POS mining pool

A special approach to implementing CryptographicCoin (CRTCoin) allowed to create the first world’s cryptocurrency which is ecological, economically beneficial and truly anonymous. Integration of ZeroCoin, …

SurvivorCoin: Wallet Embedded Game Project

CryptoCurrencies are becoming widely adopted all around the globe, every day further more. A team of Developers is now aiming to melt two of the …

Yesterday I sent a money order, and it sucked. Why Bitcoin is inevitable

by Charlie Shrem | Jun 14, 2014 I had $400 sitting on my lap, in cash, and I needed to get it to a nice middle …

The CryptoJoin Project

The idea behind the project is to create kind of exchange, where anyone could expose to the community his own idea or prototype project.  The initial plan started some time ago, …

LimeCoinX: Key Features For Success

Released on June 6th 2014, LimeCoinX (LIMX) is not a brand new coin. It is the 2.0 version of the original and well known …

Sharexcoin Cryptocurrency Exchange Goes Silent

Every new industry has its ups and downs, and they all have failures, especially in the beginning. Unfortunately, this is not the first time …

New PTC: Evolution Scrypt

Evolution Script is designed from scratch. Their innovative features for members give them flexibility and more earning potential. They are always ready to take any advice …

MarineCoin: Fiscal Policy

Did you you know that Marinecoin is the only crypto currency with an active real fiscal policy? While every day another crypto currency is …

Roll The Coin: Dogecoin Casino

Roll The Coin is an online casino, which uses Dogecoin instead of traditional currencies. It offers very quick and dynamic action – player chooses the …

Millionaire Coin, IPO on Poloniex

Millionaire Coin (MIL) is a coin for the elite. As the name suggests, MIL will have just 1 million coins in the POW phase …